Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Origin of Lake Toba - Folklore

Once upon a time, in a village in North Sumatra, there was a farmer who lived alone in fertile valley. He farmed for his purposes. Sometimes, he went fishing to the river, which was not far from his home. Every time he is fishing, the fish gets easyly, because in the clear river that is a lot of fish. And then, he would cook the fish to eat.

One afternoon, after farming in the fields, he went to the river for fishing. But, after a while, he did not get any fish. This incident never experienced before, because usually, the fish in the river that can easily be lured. Then he gets upset and decided to go home. But, when he would pull rod, the rod suddenly struck and pulled by the fish to the middle of the river. His heart was turned into joy, because he knew that the fish grabbed the pole is a big fish.
For while, he let his line drawn by the fish and then he jerked it immediately and he got a big fish. The fish quickly pulled to the ground and then he remove the hook from the fish's mouth. He kept the fish in the bag and went home with a cheerful heart.
He had imagined pleasures of grilled fish for dinner.

When I got home, he immediately took the fish to the kitchen. When he would bake the fish, it turns out he's running out of firewood. Then he came out to fetch firewood from storage.
But on arriving at the kitchen, he was surprised at all because the big fish was gone, and in place of fish that had been placed, there are a few pieces of gold. He was shocked and surprised because it was a strange incident and immediately left the kitchen and went into the room.

But in the room, he was more surprised. In his room, there was a woman facing the mirror and combing her hair, which is long and curly. And then she turned and looked at the farmer who was confused. And then the man became very fascinated, because she is extraordinary beautiful woman.

Because it was night, she asked that the lights turned on. And then, she accompanied him to the kitchen to cook dinner. During cooking, the woman told him that she was an incarnation of the big fish and a few gold pieces was the incarnation of its scales.

After some time, she was willing to accept the proposal of farmers, on the condition that he should swear that all his life he would never questioned his wife, who is an incarnation of the fish. After him swear so, they were married.
Then, they were blessed with a son. The boy was very spoiled by his mother, so he became a slacker son.

Every day, the boy was told by his mother to deliver lunch for his father who worked in the fields. However, often he does not want to help her so that his mother had to deliver the lunch to the fields herself.

One day, his mother told him to deliver lunch to the fields for his father. Like always, he refused, but, because of constantly being forced by her mother, then with anger, he went to deliver it. On the way, he ate some of the lunch, rice and dishes.
When he arrived in the fields, he gave leftover lunch to his father. His father who is very hungry then became very upset when he saw the leftover lunch. And the more furious when  no guilt, his son said that he was eating it. The father was so lost patience and hit his son, saying: "Damn. Ungrateful. You're truly a child of a woman who comes from a fish! "

The child was crying and ran to his mother at home. He was told that he was beaten by his father. All the words of his father, he told well. Hearing that, the mother was so sad, especially since her husband has violated his oath. The mother told him to immediately go up the hill and climb the tallest tree on the hill. Without more asking, he did her mother's orders immediately. He ran towards the hill and climb the tree.

Then the mother was running towards the river which is not so far away from their homes. And when she arrived at the banks of the river, lightning and thunder boomed. A moment later she jumped into the river and turned back into a big fish. And suddenly very heavy rain dropped and the river was a great flood, submerge the entire area of ​​the fertile valley.

The father could not save his life and was drowned. And then, that's what is known as Lake Toba. And the hill to which the child escaped known as Samosir Island.

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