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Monday, September 8, 2014
Weh Island : The Most Western of Indonesia
Weh Island, on thenorthwesternofSumatra Island It is a small volcanic island in Andaman Sea which was formed by
separatingfromSumatraafter the last time volcano eruption inthe
Pleistoceneera. Around Weh Island, there are
several small islands, such as Rubiah Island, Seulako Island and Klah Island.
Weh Island is the most western island of Indonesia. That’s
why, in its largest city, Sabang, there is the Sabang-Merauke Monument which
has twins in Merauke, Papua. Both monuments build as a symbol of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia from west at Sabang (Aceh ) to east at Merauke (Papua). In the north of the island, there is also the monument of 0 Km of Indonesia.
Island of Wehhas abeautiful nature. The westside ofWeh Island, there
is aForest ReserveandMarineReserve. On the
island ofWeh, there are also
manyattractions, like Pantai
Kasih (LoveBeach), Pantai Sumur
Tiga (ThreeWellsBeach), Pantai
Tapak Gajah (TreadElephantCoast), Pantai Ujung Kareung (Reef Tip Beach) and
Beach of Gapang. As avolcanic island, PulauWehalso hashot springs, smallvolcano, andhotmud pools.
the island ofWeh, there arealsowaterfallsand
LakeAneukLot thatnot farfrom thetown
ofSabang. But thefamous of island ofWeh
is its seaand beaches that are
veryexcellentfor snorkeling and
Waters of Weh Island haswealthofvery fascinatingmarineand is one ofthe bestdive sitesinIndonesia. There are at least19point divein the
waters ofWeh Island. The mostfamous isRubiahMarine
Park, located east ofthe Rubiah
RubiahMarineParklocated on the west of Sabang, about 23.5 kmby
roadorabout 7 km by sea, adjacentto thevillageofIboih.
Government ofIndonesiaset the watersaround
Rubiah Island(about2.600acres) asnature
reserves. In this mostfamousdivesite of Weh
Island, youwillfind calmand clear seawaters.
Moreover, a variety of tropical fishandcolorfulcoral reefs, are alsoready towelcome
youto enjoy thebeauty ofRubiahMarine Park. Giganticclams, angelfish, school ofparrotfish, lionfish,
sea fans, and muchmore, arealsowaitingfor youin thisdive site of WehIsland.Alsofindthehoneycombmorays, octopusand stingrays.
The wrecks of "Sophie Rickmers" is also an
interesting dive site in Weh Island. Sophie Rickmers was a steam cargo ship
made in Germany in 1920, that the Dutch seized it on May 10, 1940 in the
waters of Weh island. But then on that very day, the crews of Sophie Rickmer sunk their own ship. Currently
the boat 134 m long, covered by corals and bocome the home to giant groupers,
giant morays and giant travellies.
In the south of Weh island, there is a dive site, Batee
Meuduro. The distance isquitefar awayandisolatedfromotherdivesitesin Weh Island.
But many divers said that Batee Meuduro is a top diving spot in Pulau Weh. Its
shallow beach is covered by large table coral that becomes the home to lobsters,
reef fishes and the baby sharks. At this top dive sites in Weh Island, you can encountered
a lot of tunas, mackerels, barracudas, napoleon wrasse, manta rays and various
of sharks.
RubiahMarine Park,
SophieRickmers ‘ wreckandBateeMeuduro are just 3beautifuldive sitesin Weh Island . There are stillmany morebeautifuldiving
sites inWeh IslandlikeBatee DuaGapang,
BateeMeuroron, Rubiah
Utara (North Rubiah), PanteeIdeu,
BateeGla, PanteeAneuk, Seukeor'The Canyon', PanteePeunateung, Sumur Tiga (ThreeWells), AnoiHitam andmany moreotherdivesites.
How toreach
Weh island ? Youcanuse theferry fromthe Malahayati harbourin BandaAcehheadedto PortBalohaninWeh
Island(about 2 hours). FromBalohan, minibusesandtaxisareavailable to takeyouto
Sabang, the capital of Weh island.
InWeh Island,
called "losmen"). Although
onlyinns, they arealwaysready toserveyouwith good serviceandhopitality. Thefacilitiesarequitesimple andadequate; the roomshavebathsandsomehavefansandair
conditioning. Thelosmensarealsoready toserveyou a good meal. Want to try
different culinary ? youcango tothenumerousfood stallsin the town ofSabang.
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